Directing Your Energy in Your Business to Bring Success

The energy you show up with in your business is directly tied to your success. Let me say that again... the Energy YOU bring into your business directly affects how successful it will be. I'm breaking down my top practices for how to change your mindset to redirect it in a way that works for business instead of against it! Are you ready?

See, the funny thing about humans is (and we have a hard time believing this) we were born with EVERY SINGLE THING we need to succeed in life.  All the vital organs, our ability to grow, our natural instincts for survival, and our ability to love were all given to us the day we took our first breath outside the womb.  

Our minds are way more powerful than we give them credit for.  Imagine for a moment that your mind is a smartphone (do I need to say smart phone… does anyone still have a flip phone these days?).  And like a smartphone, the data you put into the phone is directly reflected on the screen.  

Just like the phone screen; as you think the THOUGHTS in your head, FEELINGS are created based on those thoughts and your ACTION is a result of that feeling.   


Thoughts ➞ Feelings ➞ Action

For example, if you were to type into your phone, “I don’t know what I’m doing and no one will use my <insert service>” your THOUGHT is I am not good enough ➞ Your EMOTION is defeat ➞ Your ACTION is to shy away and hide. Not only can this drain your energy, but it will diminish your business’s success.

However; if you were to flip it to change the thought to, “I am amazing and I deserve the absolute best” (which YOU are by the way) your THOUGHT is I am amazing ➞ your EMOTION is Confident ➞ your ACTION is to Step UP and share all the amazing services you have to offer that your clients cannot wait to access!

So, the energy you show up with in your business is directly tied to your success.  And, at the core of that energetic presence are the thoughts going through your mind.

I know what you’re thinking- how can something this simple make me more successful? 

I'll tell you... Our mind is incredibly powerful, making it a driving force in our business and the energy we show up with each day.

Positive Thoughts = Attractive, Inspired, Engaging, ENERGY 

Negative Thoughts = Unenthusiastic, Destructive, Bland ENERGY 

Now that we understand how our thoughts direct our actions, it’s time for the next step! How do we make the shift when that Gremlin voice (a.k.a. the inner critic) in our heads starts filling our minds with negative thoughts?  Well, there are a few things you can do…

Flip The Script!

Capture the negative thought and flip it to a more positive one.  For example, if you think, “I will never grow my Instagram following because I don’t have a clear message.”  Flip it to, “My message is clear and concise, and my ideal clients will eagerly follow me on my Instagram feed.” 

Anchor Into Your “Why”

The next time you’ve got a big launch coming up or are engaging with prospective clients remind yourself of why you started your business and who you are serving.  Write out the intentions behind what you are doing and how you feel when you execute your service flawlessly for your clients. For example, “I feel joyful when I support my clients to look their very best with my unique styling tips.  Giving women confidence in their wardrobe allows me to feel poised my business.” 

Tap Into The Power of Visualization

Before you take the stage, I encourage you to take a few moments to visualize yourself in that moment.  Imagine this moment, See yourself on stage looking out at the crowd, delivering your message flawlessly, receiving the applause for delivering a smart, powerful message.  Feel the sense of pride, accomplishment, and gratitude you will have after you are done. Hold the vision of your goal in your mind as if it’s already done and really anchor into the feeling of gratitude you will have as you put yourself into that visual space. 

And finally…OWN YOUR POWER!  The world needs you!  The odds of you even being born, as you, at this time, on this planet, in this country, to your parents, is about 1 in 400 trillion… I’ll say that again.  1 in 400 TRILLION! The world needs YOU and the unique gifts and talents that only you can offer. There will never, EVER be another person like you who has your voice, your eye for detail, and your passion to serve your clients, never! 

So step up and show up with your unique positive energy to lead your business toward success. Your clients are waiting for YOU!


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