Using Pillars of Strength to Focus Your Daily Routine
When you’re facing a thousand and one tasks, it helps to have a constant way to manage your energy. And, honestly, I’ve tried a lot of different ways to manage energy!! From a morning routine to a strict, every-minute-is-accounted-for schedule. What’s worked best for me are Pillars of Strength!
Pillars of Strength are five, non-negotiable foundational blocks that help you stand up and lead each and every day. These are the things you go back to that will help to ground you when you get lost in the weeds and life starts spinning out of control. When you honor them daily, you’ll fill yourself up with your unique code for strength and success.
So why do you need them in the first place and how do you determine what your Pillars of Strength should be? Luckily for you, I have a handy guide here (and an easy worksheet for you to discover your own pillars!)
Pillars of Strength, Your Focus, and Fireflies
Your mind and all your thoughts zooming around in your head are basically like fireflies. (Remember running around and catching them in your hands as a kid?? My kids are at that age where they love doing that, too!!)
See, when you’re in an empty field, you can see the flash of the firefly lighting up and race over to it. Simple, clear, uncluttered.
Yet, in the woods, you can’t find them as readily. You may see them lighting up, but it takes so much time and effort to get to them because of the obstacle course of shrubs, downed trees, and branches in the woods that get in the way.
All of the day-to-day “annoyances” that come up in our lives are like the woods and the thing we want so badly is the firefly. We become so focused on daily details that drag us down; there isn’t a clear path to see how to get to our firefly as easily.
That’s why I’ve taught my clients to use Pillars of Strength in their day. Using this concept, you can clear out the “woods” of your mind and move forward with an intentional, anchored vision and focused intentions!
Picking Your Pillars of Strength
Typically there are five foundational Pillars of Strength we all need to perform at an optimal level. The first two Pillars of Strength are non-negotiable for everyone!! We all need plenty of water and an appropriate level of sleep (ideally 6-9 hours) each night. If you aren’t hydrated and sleeping, you aren’t showing up in the right way!
To identify the other three elements that will anchor you to your true, aligned self, sit quietly and visualize your best day ever. What are you doing? How are you showing up in the world? What energy are you bringing to your daily habits and rituals?
You could also think of what you did when you felt good and in the zone in your life. It could be to: journal, pray, eat well, get physical movement, connect with your spouse or loved ones regularly. Whatever you need to function at your optimal best!
Learning which other pillars you wish to incorporate into your daily routine may be a bit of trial-and-error. It certainly was for me!! So if it takes a few tries to get it to “click,” it’s okay!!
When you’re working to decide which five things will make up your Pillars of Strength, I always say to add in just one additional pillar at a time. Pick one that would make a meaningful contribution and improve your quality of life. Once that becomes a habit, you’ll be clued into the next area that could use attention with its own pillar. Slow and steady is the aim of the game!
This is what it looked like for me:
I started out with wanting to make a change in my body (I carried weight from pregnancy). So, I began working out. That led to eating healthy. Then, the more I started getting into working out and eating healthy, I was having the dreaded afternoon crash and realized I was dehydrated. When I drank enough water, I started discovering how important sleep is. Finally, meditation got added in.
I learned the hard way that I should have started with water and quality sleep, so that’s why I always tell you to start with those!
Manage Your Energy to Manage Everything Else
So often, we as women associate improving ourselves with selfishness. However, it isn’t selfish to want the best for your family, career, and community. And how do you give them the best? Certainly not when you’re operating at 50%! Making meaningful improvements (I hesitate to say changes because they’re truly transformations for the better) will give you the focus to identify obstacles and overcome them so everyone you interact with feels that power radiating from you.
For example: I have a friend who thrives in burnout, but she won’t acknowledge it. She’s a dominant force and that emotion fuels her. On the surface, she has what we’re all told to want: the house, money, thriving children. Unfortunately, other areas of her life are suffering.
If she began using Pillars of Strength to guide her to making positive improvements, she could get further with much more ease. There would be excitement and a spark that fueled her instead of massive amounts of caffeine!
Part of using your Pillars of Strength to ignite your life is to increase your awareness of where your energy is going. I tend to come untethered if I’m not honoring my Pillars of Strength. My energy is so reactive. It goes where other people are telling it to, not where I need it to. And that’s when I let the woods get in the way of chasing the magical fireflies in my life.
Awareness is crucial. When you notice you don’t feel inspired, look at your habits. Are you honoring your Pillars of Strength daily? As you incorporate these foundational blocks into your life, you’ll be amazed at how in command you feel!
Instead of getting caught in the branches and details of the day, you’ll be able to see them approaching and you can make a plan to navigate around them so you can easily capture your firefly and have the best possible day every because you’re managing yourself and your energy first, then letting everything else fall into place!
Learn how to visualize and create your own Pillars of Strength with my simple guide and worksheet! Click here to download it and make every day your most focused, intentional, best day ever!