You Are Not Broken… A Note of Encouragement

Last year during the height of the gifting season, I was at the UPS Store a lot. Sometimes I’d stand quietly and wait for my turn, but other times, I’d end up having a conversation with the person in line next to me. Once they learned what I do, the conversation usually turned to the subject of personal strength and dreams for their life.

One such conversation has stuck with me since (it even inspired an email to my list last year that everyone loved - click here to join my email list! I send out notes of inspiration, things I’m thinking about, and sometimes offers and promotions for upcoming events!)

A very kind woman next to me noticed the pile of boxes in my arms, all the same size and shape, and she asked me what I was shipping that was so similar. I told her what I do: create vision board toolkits to support you to go after your audacious life goals and enjoy your boldest life possible.

(Side note: Doing what I do is kind of like being a nurse. My best friend is a nurse and she’ll say that when people find out you’re a nurse, they’ll come up to you and ask you to take a look at their mole or rash or something. Same thing with visions. People find out what I do and start telling me their deepest desires. Much better than checking out someone’s skin issue if you ask me!)

Naturally, I had a full conversation about this woman’s vision.

She’s a CNA (certified nursing assistant) and she has this dream of opening a mobile salon. The best part is that because she’s a CNA and already works with people who have mobility issues, she knows exactly what would make the most impact for them and knows exactly how she can use her gifts as a CNA and hair stylist to bring that solution to the world.

And truly, the world in general needs what she has! A mobile salon would be clutch right now! So, I asked her, “What’s holding you back?” Her response blew me away. She said without hesitation, “I am the one holding myself back.”

I have to tell you, I was taken aback. Literally, I had to pause and collect myself before responding. So few people are willing to admit that they are the reason they’re stuck not living out their biggest dreams. I mean, that’s an uncomfortable truth!

And to confess that to yourself (and also a total stranger at the UPS Store…) WOW. I admire her courage so much!

So, listen, are you ready for this truth bomb? The only person holding you back is… YOU.

That even hurts me at times when I realize I’ve fallen into victim mode and I’m doing something to sabotage and hold myself back. Luckily, I have the tools and resources to get myself out and it still stings when I realize what I’m doing!

Yet the good news is that just like you’re the only one who can decide to hold yourself back, you’re also in charge of deciding that you can propel yourself forward.

You can decide, today, that you have a dream buried deep inside of you. And that you are going to do something about it.

You can decide that you’re going to start now by tapping into that vision you have and create a visual representation that serves as your North Star guide that keeps you going, even when you feel like quitting, even when you feel like playing the victim.

Because just as much as I know that your dreams take more work than admitting them to a stranger at the UPS Store, I also know that if you’re at that point, you’ve thought about doing that for a while. And that it’s time to unleash that desire! No more thinking and hiding.  

Also know this, there’s nothing wrong with you if you haven’t done anything about it until now. Sometimes, it takes a lot of effort just admitting what your big dream is, especially if those around you don’t get it. There’s nothing wrong with you if you haven’t taken action yet. You are not broken and you don’t need to be fixed.

See, we’re led to believe that if we haven’t reached a certain milestone by a certain time, we’re broken. We’re shattered and need to be repaired. Damaged goods that need a rescue team and replacement parts. (Why? Because it’s a great way to sell books and tickets to live events and such.) The truth is that we are exactly as we are meant to be at this moment.

Whatever brought you to this point, it was the thing that needed to happen. Furthermore, just because something came along that challenged you and cracked you open, doesn’t mean you aren’t still beautiful and whole.after all, those times that cracked you made you stronger and more beautiful. So remember, you are not broken. You did nothing wrong. You do not need to be fixed. 

I’d encourage you to take this as a sign. If you are seeing this today, know that what is meant for you is here. Admit that deep, burning desire - claim it for yourself! Write it in your journal, text your best friend, send me an email (!) or write it in my Facebook Group.

If you have a fire burning inside of you, a deep knowledge that you are not broken, you were meant to be here to do something great with your life… I’d implore you to use that fire and every other tool at your disposal to bring that dream to fruition.

Remember, you are not broken, you don’t need to be fixed. You are strong, you are whole, you are amazing!!

Naturally, my favorite tool for self-discovery and goal-setting and -accomplishing is a vision board. My Vision Of You Vision Board in a Box Kit contains a guided visualization that allows you to feel your burning fire and use it as you boldly claim what you want to make with your one precious and wild life here on earth.

Your kit also comes with everything you need to create a visual representation of that vision so you can look at it and reconnect with that spark and know that you are whole, you are worthy, and you are amazing. And you can do it!! Click here to order your kit! (And check out the options to attend a live workshop. The energy of those live workshops is amazing and they're just so much fun!)


Using Your Resiliency to Embrace Change and Keep You Focused